Friday 6 November 2015

Logo Represents Identity

Logo Nedofa
The logo is a drawing or sketch that has a meaning and a specific meaning, and represents the identity of a company, region, organization, product, country, and institutions as well as other things. Logo is the replacement of a real name, because the logo will be easier to remember and certainly concise and clear.

A good logo would have to have a clear meaning, and has its own philosophy of each logo has a different philosophy. Then the logo should also have a basic framework of a concept or blueprint, for the purpose founded the independent nature in other words independently. Logo better known by sight, such as the simplicity of a logo, a unique logo and trademark include color and shape.

Pictured above is an example of a simple logo of Nedofa, which has a very simple, as follows NFD which means stands NeDoFa. Then the blue brush means design, and cube means wrapped into one in word Nedofa Design.

Nearly all reputable companies have a logo that will be used as the company's brand tersbut. Such as Adidas, Nike, BMW, and many more, of course. And each has its own unique logo. Might be able to immediately find yourself on the logos at Uncle Google.
But there is also a corporation or foundation to replace their respective logos. The reason would be to beautify or because the logo is not in accordance with the company or the foundation. But every change of logo is usually not left or eliminate the base of the logo, such as text, color, or shape. Due to the great logo has a standard SOP of each of these companies. Because they were the logo is synonymous as an identity.

Well as an example we will discuss about the new logo of a foundation that is Amikom Yogyakarta. I wonder what the reasons are obvious from the turn of the logo. However bertepat On Anniversary STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta Yang to 21 on October 11, 2015 yesterday, where the logo was unveiled before it is on October 10, 2015 located in Building 6 Space Cinema, which was attended by the entire staff of the Foundation, and community Academic and inviting as well Representatives of student organizations.

Where STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta Chairman, Prof. M. Suyanto in the room Cinema said "Through this logo we want to describe soul bernafaaskan Amikom that information and communication technology".
Maybe my friends are curious by Logo / The new face of identity STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta. Immediately at see below.
STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta
change logo STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta
Give a description of the shape and placement of Colors presented by STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.
  1. The shape of the logo is symmetrical and simple bringing modern and elegant impression, while depicting life bernafaskan AMIKOM information and communication technology. 
  2. The shape of the logo illustrates the five fingers are lifted up, grabbed / grasping the yellow circle located in the center. This illustrates the toughness and tenacity in trying, spirit and perseverance, as well as great potential in creating and working.
  3. The structure of the arrangement of the "fingers" that regular circular also describes the solidity, professionalism, commitment, and consistency in the work
  4. The shape of the logo in the form of a hand grasping this circle can also describe the achievements and accomplishments that have been surrounding amikom international sphere. 

  1. The color purple is already a AMIKOM identity, according to describe the philosophical meaning of spirituality, intuition, creativity, and wisdom. 
  2. Yellow circle that embraced / gripped by "fingers" purple illustrate the potential and energy although always open for application, but still coated and controlled by devotion, wisdom, and intelligence are sublime.
That is one example of a change of a logo is an identity. Where the logo of STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta does not remove the basis of the shape and color of the previous logo. Fixed stay tuned News Design in Nedofa, do not miss it.


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