Friday 6 November 2015

Community Multimedia place of learning Design

Community Design
Community is a social group of a few individuals who share their experiences and knowledge sharing. Typically a community has a particular concentration in the discussion in their respective communities. And each community has a management structure, of course, there is a chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, treasurer, public relations, Scientific, coordinator of the division, and so on depending on each community.

Well here we will discuss about the Multimedia community as a place to study design. Why the community is the right place to place to learn. The first time we learn our own sometimes be difficult to understand, and in the study design, especially graphic design we need to always tries to practice it. And when we practice we will quickly be able, but when we are alone try and mepraktikannya we seaakan Maes because there is no support. Now that the benefits of following the community, we will gain new knowledge and new friends and of course a new spirit. Then while we learn indirectly we get the experience of each individual in those communities.

Community Multimedia usually will discuss matters related to the multimedia course, usually divided into several specific fields such as Graphic Design, Web Design, Animation VFX and Broadcast. For multimedia community usually not separated from software such as Adobe family. But of course a lot of software that can be my friends try. examples of graphic design can use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, and then To Design Web typically use Adobe Dreamweaver and for VFX animation using Adobe After Effects.

Lots of communities related to the field of Multimedia. Both were among the campus or the public. Because it needs to be very broad multimedia. And we could have invented the communities in which we learn, especially in the field of design. One community that we can follow that example and KOMA (Community Multimedia Amikom), unfortunately the community in this can only be followed by students STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta.

KOMA (Community Multimedia Amikom) is one of the Student Activity Unit (UKM) in Yogyakarta Amikom STMIK campus, but the community name is not changed because it is already inherent in the KOMA (Community Multimedia Amikom) is. This community is the target of becoming a Community Multimedia Number one in Yogyakarta.
Community Multimedia
KOMA (Community Multimedia Amikom) Alone has four divisions which are very cool,
  1. Graphic Design 
  2. Web Design
  3.  Broadcast
  4.  Animation VFX

And events held so numerous and large, as recent events have done is slash (The Best Annual Multimedia Show). And often hold seminars related to Multimedia. That is the reason why we can make a Multimedia Learning design community. Proverb says Seek knowledge to the land of China, and we can menjukan sekaang adage is true, that we can study not only on the internet but can also be in a community.
For more info please Visit official website at and can direct to the BSC sekretariatannya Building 3rd floor, STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta, or can preview vidio this profile:

That is one community that we can follow to learn the name of design. There are still many communities that we can follow course. Or my friends could follow Nedofa continue to learn about the design mainly use Software Adobe  Family.
Where are we going to learn every detail of the software adobe Family. Both the tools and tips and tricks in designing. Yes that Design News may be useful this time, continue to follow the news later in Nedofa, both nationally and internationally well that the news about the design or IT News.


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