Saturday 7 November 2015

Smart City For Better Future

Who does not want a smart city in terms of both technology and its order, so that the future for the better again. Before that let us Riview about what is the smart city / smart. Smart city is a city that uses digital technology or information and communication technology (ICT) in enhancing the resource, as well as to be more effective and active in establishing a communication or interaction with residents around the city. Lots of sectors or sections that have already implemented the technology of Smart city. Examples of sectors of government services, transport and traffic management, energy, health / care, water and waste. This smart city applications developed for the purpose of improving the management of the flow of a city, such as big cities and would allow it to respond in real time implementation. Many terms are almost identical to reflect this as Smart City. digital city, cyberville, electronic society, flexicity, and much more of course.

So the Smart city then made a national seminar by a student organization from a campus IT propesional (STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta) is HMJTI (Student Association Department of Informatics), which was given the theme "The Internet Of Things" with the discussion regarding the "Smart City For better Future" .
Internet Of Things
Where the Smart City Seminar For better Future which will be held on December 5th 2015 at 08.30 - Done in Citra 2 STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta. And of course with outstanding presenters, for this time HMJTI (Student Association Department of Informatics) mengudang three speakers at once. These are speakers that propesional:
Semnas Speaker
Semnas Speaker
  •  Speaker 1: Ir. Michael S. Sunggiardi (INF Technology Practitioner.) 
  • Speaker 2: M. Aditya Nugraha (Founder Gama Techno) 
  • Speaker 3: Antonious Saso (Founder Kampung Cyber)

For registration itself opened online via
or directly to its Stand at Home Image 2 STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta (from 8:00 to 16:00)
More info can connect the phone to the number 081 226 722 237.
For this time HMJTI also working with one of the student organizations also are FOSSIL (Free Open Source Software Interest League) which discusses the student organization associated tau in the field of open source software such as Linux. That STMIK Amikom Yogyakarta where there are so many unique student organization and we can meet.

IT News may at this time I would tell whether a student organization. Student organization or abbreviated Orma is an organization consisting of students in accommodating their talents, interests and potential of these students, almost similar to the extra curricular. This organization could be formed and consists of internal campus itself or between campuses. Then the whole organization of the student in a campus called SME (Student Activity Unit) is a student organization that was formed based on common interests, whether it's sports, art, science, spirituality, and much more. And the structure of SMEs (Student Activity Unit) in each of the different campuses.

That bit of knowledge about the Student Organization (SO), do not forget to follow the national seminar that discusses Internet Of Things about Smart City For better Future. If we want to be better then we must continue to develop technologically there and then spread it and certainly implement it. In order for the future we're going to be better than now.  
That IT News This time may be useful for all of us, do not forget to stay tuned in Nedofa and get news about Design and IT, and get interesting tutorials using Adobe software Family. Ssalam so warm thanks from the team Nedofa.


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